How to prepare Shopify store for Black Friday & Cyber Monday

How to prepare Shopify for Black Friday & Cyber Monday

It’s the end of November which means it is a great opportunity for retailers to get the sales going super high. Being the busiest sales time of the year, both Black Friday & Cyber Monday should be promoted well enough to get good profits. In case you take it easy it’s your loss. 

According to the statistics, the highest profits were achieved only during the holiday period. So,  merchants begin with promotions throughout the year. Black Friday & Cyber Monday marketing is very vital where the money spent reaches billions. 

Get ready with the best marketing plan ever for the  Shopify store for this Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Didn’t have one? No worries, here in the article we will tell you how to prepare for the BFCM sales. Let’s dive in. 

1. A good Black Friday & Cyber Monday Research

A successful Black Friday or Cyber Monday marketing strategy means a healthy business. That can be only achieved by performing good research. Not only it offers an overview of the market yet also gives an idea of how to attract people.

Just look at the buying habits of consumers during the holiday shopping season. That offers insights into developing marketing & sales strategies. Think about what makes consumers shop during special holidays and what data could you get to advertise your brand. A Shopify plus agency can also gather good data to market effortlessly.  

2. Create a Marketing Plan

After doing enough research it’s time to take another step toward making your brand a best seller in the market. Start planning for the cyber Monday and black Friday sales for promoting your brand. Firstly, create an objective for the sale. And your goal should be happy customers and more sales. Here is the following checklist to look at while creating a marketing plan:

  • How much time do the sales last?
  • What channels did you pick to reach the customers?
  • What type of activities were you adding to get customers’ attention?
  • What type of products are you thinking of focusing on?
  • Does the shipping company you invest in can work on holidays?
  • How fast can you restock the inventory?

If you have a budget you can hire a Shopify agency or consult Shopify experts who can create backup plans to plan for these special days. 

3. Sale-themed pop-ups 

Alt-text: Pop-up of Black Friday sale

Chatbots and live chats are vital tactics but pop-ups are the popular strategies to boost the e-commerce conversion rate. Pop-ups aren’t my favorite feature in website design but if you do it right they can offer a positive impact on your business.  

Online merchants’ customers are hesitant. They compare prices here and there until they find cheap rates.  Pop-ups provide users with customized specials which are displayed at specific times.  So, one can get the attention of visitors while browsing a website. That drives them towards the conversion goal. You can convert visitors by getting the email to mail them.  Or else display sign up to any social media platform which gets you more data. 

Take the front seat and enjoy the benefits of selling more to the existing customers who are on your site.   After they bought something or added the product to the cart try to cross-sell or upsell with complementary items. Add the countdown timer pop-ups to make people decide instantly.

To boost cyber Monday or Black Friday sales you can have unique pop-up types for welcome offers, exit intent, email, or customized product suggestion pop-ups.

4. Create buzz around the social media

  Alt-Text: Bath and body Black Friday sale

Social Media is the key factor that you shouldn’t miss especially during these sales seasons.  Create a channel to steer awareness for the upcoming cyber Monday or Black Friday sale. You can have many more engagement strategies and messages from the business than yours. Firstly choose the platform that you list to use for promoting your brand. Here are the ways to create hype on social media platforms:

  •  Giveaways
  • Create hashtag   
  • Connect with influencers and make them a shoutout for you
  • Create social proof
  • Show positive testimonials
  • Use inspiring and bright visuals

5. Email marketing 

Alt-Text: Email template example for BFCM sales

Email marketing isn’t dead. It’s competing with social media platforms. So, brands that didn’t create their product-relevant email segments list have a risk of losing potential sales. Because brands can send emails promoting sales to the ones who aren’t interested in their offerings. 

If you don’t want to lose more, come up with relevant segments who are receptive to your targeted email marketing campaigns. Below are the segment examples to target for improving sales during busy days:    

  • VIP segments
  • First-time purchasers
  • Specific product niche shoppers
  • Seasonal customers 
  • Engaging but never bought
  • Target customers geographically 

The benefits of developing multiple segments are sending related emails with the offers that make the most sense. Make sure to add the offer, sense of urgency, and detailed email copy while crafting the emails. 

6. A sale & offers page

  Alt-Text: Example of Fashion nova website

How easy you make customers explore the website the more sales you can make. The goal is to make customers look at the products and make them buy products hassle-free.  You make that happen by creating eye-catching sales pages that draw consumers’ attention. A well-designed sales page with discounts & available offers serves as a good reason for the customers to stay in the store and buy the products. Just see what and how your competitors are doing and designing their websites. You should create your own and ensure you are projecting different ideas. Make sure to run the cyber Monday and  Black Friday sales way before the sales day. Get many sales and bad traction during the time.

It can sell in days but lowering your prices won’t let you make more profit as you need. While sensing more traffic to the store, make sure your website could manage the surge in traffic. Thanks to Shopify, Shopify was created to deal with the large spikes in sales and traffic.

7. Mobile Optimization 

As per Statista survey, Mobile users spend 4-6 hours of their valuable time on their mobile devices. To be honest, on average, people spend 3 – 4 hours on their mobile exploring something. It’s a lot of time spent on their phones. But, it is beneficial to the merchants. Because you know where your potential customers are at. So,  if your website is not optimized to offer a better mobile shopping experience. You can easily lose more and more customers. That leads to losing more sales, especially on these special days. 

The best way to discover if your site is well optimized for mobile shopping is by creating a survey that can pop over just mobile. These pop-ups ask online visitors to rate the shopping experience. So, you can get a clue about how mobile-optimized your website is.  Use Typeform, Google forms, survey monkey, and more. 

8. Get the support & Stock Ready

Before choosing a BFCM marketing strategy for promoting the products, ensure that the stock is efficient. To deal with the infrastructure of handling many more sales your marketing & sales should be highly successful. Your processes for consumer service, fulfillment,  inventory, and returns can be reliable to run the business successfully. 

So you can prepare to sell and not rush at the last minute. Holidays are hectic season so amp up and handle the website hassle freely

When you are out of the item you. You can face cart abandonment. So restocking it can be a real ideal choice to look at.   You could also change this situation to a great opportunity by adding a sense of urgency for driving sales on the website.

Never lose valuable sales. After restocking your customers’ desired items, alert them through the Shopify app Back in Stock & Restock alerts. Consumers could opt-in to get push notifications through Email, SMS, and browser after the products are accessible. So, customers can go back to the products to complete the purchase. Through this one can expand the contact list, boost sales,  customer service, and more. 

9. A simple checkout process is a must 

When planning for a successful Black Friday & Cyber Monday sales event ensure your website’s checkout experience is well-optimized for both mobile &  laptop incidents.

Do you know that 79% of buyers use mobile devices? And that’s what made merchants look at laptop and mobile checkout experiences. If your website checkout experience isn’t optimized it can result in customer frustrations, cart abandonment, negative mouth marketing, and more. 

A one-click experience can enrich the checkout experience. With a click, more and more consumers make purchases as the details are stored in their mobile wallets. Tools such as Paypal, Google pay, Apple pay, and more options enable one click. Guest check-out option should be included. Your checkout button should be highlighted and display product data in their carts. Make users use social platforms and Google accounts to log in easily without creating an account. 

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