Product boxes

Facts about Product Packaging which Works

The perceptions of product packing have changed over time. It is not what it used to be, containment and a box to name.

The world we live in is more educated and aware of the facts and figures that count in creating effective packaging. There are now a lot of brands that offer similar products, which makes it harder and crucial for businesses to create distinctive product boxes and representatives of the brand effectively.

There is nothing more than 6 to 7 seconds that a customer takes in making their purchase decision. Customers do not have time to stand there in the shop and evaluate products to choose the right one for themselves but make their decisions solely based on product packaging, which changes everything about a product, a business, and the way a product is packed and presented in the market.

Here are some of the most astonishing product packaging facts that work in making it stand out and do its job in the market and among the customers.

Effective Packaging

Product boxes are not just random boxes that hold the product but they work as a representative of the brand that provides customers with a piece of adequate information about the product and the brand.

It is important to understand that every packaging is not effective packaging as it is the one that meets all the needs of a product and a business, such as;

  • grab the attention of the customers
  • stand out among other products
  • promote and advertise the product
  • evoke emotions in customers
  • develop a strong bond between the customers and the business
  • create a professional image of the brand

Product presentation will only work if it is capable of achieving the targets and goals of the business effectively, which is possible with custom product packaging boxes because they are customizable in different shapes, sizes, and designs that are made especially for the products.


No matter how amazing your packaging is, how captivating your designs are, and how unique your shape is if your box is not capable of keeping the product in place and away from any kind of potential damage, it is of no use.

To make your boxes work out in making their mark among others it is important to keep these things in mind;

  • A box must be made up of material that is rigid and is capable of preventing damage to the product
  • Product encasement must be convenient to use such as boxes that are not easy to open or close make customers annoyed and defame the image of the product.
  • To create a more impressive impact on customers use boxes that not only offer containment but are also reusable in terms of storing the product and organization.

Brand Recognition 

Products do not make their mark in the market because of their encasements but there are a lot of other factors that contribute to creating a trustworthy image of the brand that helps in creating trust.

The most famous of the brands are not known by anything else most importantly but a name. A name that gives customers a reason to blindly go for the product without having a second thought. Incorporating your company logo and colors that are the essence of the brand gives an identity to the product box. It helps the audience in understanding what they are getting or whether is it worth the time, money, and effort that they spend on a business.

Sustainability Sells itself 

Sustainability is a new trend!

Believe it or not, it is a fact that sustainable product boxes packaging helps in elevating the worth of the brand in terms of being responsible about what kind of impact a brand leaves on the environment we live in. it is because non-ecofriendly has already caused a lot of damage to the environment.

Cardboard is the most sustainable yet premium packaging solution for businesses as it is recyclable as many times as required and also bio-degradable.


It is not necessary to clutter your boxes with every little detail. The trend has changed and minimalism is the way to go if you want to make a greater impact on the customers. There are two utmost advantages that minimalism offers to a brand.

·      Less Waste

Minimalism is not about eliminating everything but keeping only the ones that do the job. For instance, the use of the least material that is necessary to keep the product safe. Over-sized boxes are over-rated and give nothing besides misconceptions about the product and the brand.

Eliminating unnecessary information on the boxes reduces the harmful effects of printing.

·      Easy Decisions

Customers are more inclined towards the product that is easy to choose. There is no need to put excess information on the box which makes it harder for the customers to make any decision or takes a lot of time to find the most relevant information about the product.

Keeping all the benefits these boxes offer, the price is relatively low, even the cheapest if you get your custom packaging wholesale. Product packaging boxes wholesale are cheap because these dealers deal in bulk and not because they are any less in quality, durability, or other aspects. Every business must get customized boxes for product packaging as it is not possible to make your brand stand out in the market because the competition is tough and getting tougher with every passing day.

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