You’re right in the middle of vacuuming your living room and smoke starts pouring out the side of your vacuum cleaner. The next day you visit the vacuum repair shop and the technician tells you that that the repair of your antiquated vacuum is going to cost you two hundred dollars. At this point you decide to buy new, but which vacuum is the best buy for the money? The two most popular brands of vacuum cleaners on the market are Dyson and Hoover, but which is better.

The main difference between Hoover and Dyson vacuum cleaners is price point. Dyson vacuums have always been known to be higher priced than Hoover claiming that you get more vacuum and higher performance for the money. The current miele classic c1 powerline Dyson price point ranges from just under four hundred dollars to the just under six hundred dollars with seven different models to choose from.

Hoover on the other hand has over thirty five upright units ranging from sixty dollars to just under four hundred dollars for the top of the line Hoover platinum series upright. When considering what to pay for a vacuum I always look at the warranty. The warranty is usually a good indication of how firmly the manufacturer believes in the vacuum cleaner it is selling. With Hoover’s new Platinum line Hoover has increased their warranty to six years giving the platinum line an extra year over Dyson.

The capability of a vacuum cleaner should be matched to the tasks it has to perform and the environment the vacuum cleaner is going to be used in. For people with multi level homes a lighter vacuum cleaner should be used for ease of carrying it from level to level. People that use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning drapery or baseboard areas should look at a vacuum cleaner that has a plethora of vacuum tools, extended wand length and lots of accessory tools.

Although Hoover gives you an upright and a canister vacuum all the in the same box I found that having to use two vacuums instead of one unit took not only extra time but also extra storage space. Hoover recently introduced their version of a cyclonic upright called the UH70015. This vacuum cleaner comes with an aluminum lightweight wand, stretchable eight foot hose, dusting brush and a large vacuum motor.

In the vacuum world cyclonic technology seems to be a synonym for increased performance, but how much better is the cyclonic vacuum over its predecessors. Having professionally reviewed over forty different vacuum cleaners and working in the wholesale cleaning industry for over 15 years I do see that the cyclonic vacuum does have its advantages. A cyclonic vacuum seems to suck up more debris from baseboard areas and has more retention of dirt around the brush area on hard surface floors. On the other hand the power of a cyclonic vacuum can cause havoc on delicate materials such as cotton.

When you’re thinking of paying a high price for a vacuum cleaner, durability is always a concern. If you look at the life of a vacuum cleaner versus the price you’re paying, the top end Dyson would cost you one hundred and twenty dollars a year if the vacuum lasts five years or the life of its warranty. In Hoover’s case, if the Platinum Cyclonic were to last you six years, or the life of its warranty you would be paying sixty seven dollars a year.

Overall if you’re looking to save some money and get a new vacuum every five or six years the Hoover Platinum Cyclonic seems to be the better buy. With just under two hundred dollars in savings the Hoover unit has a better warranty and will perform the same tasks as Dyson’s most expensive vacuum. Dyson does have some other features such as ball technology which enables the user to maneuver the vacuum for efficiently. If you’re looking for these types of features Dyson’s lineup might be better suited to your needs.

Robot Vacuum Cleaners Demystified – What Can a Vacuum Cleaner Robot Do For You?

What is a Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

Yes ! It does exactly what you are thinking, it vacuums. Unlike your conventional vacuum cleaner, however, this one is slightly different… well it’s smart. We are not referring to artificial intelligence or anything like that. It simply does what you ask it to do, when you want it done without having to interfere or drag it around.

A robot vacuum cleaner will vacuum your hard and carpet floors and retain the dirt in a catcher that can be emptied now and then. When it has finished, the robot vacuum cleaner settles on its docking station or speaks to inform you that it is done cleaning. Not bad huh!

What does it look like?

Size matters

Most robot vacuum cleaners like Roomba and Infinuvo Cleanmate are round shaped and stand at 3 to 4 inches high and roughly 12 inches in diameter…

The shell…

On the top part of the unit you will find the control panel. Some have one or two buttons, others many and others even have an LCD monitor. How about that !
The bumper serves as a sensor for obstacles (walls, furniture, etc.).

The belly of the beast…

The robot vacuum sits on 3 wheels and is rigged with one or many brushes, depending on the model. You will also notice a variety of sci-fi looking sensors that provide your little friend some intelligence. These sensors are used to detect stairs or other obstacles.

How does a Robot vacuum cleaner work?

Initially the robot sits quietly on its docking station, which most of them have. Keep in mind to settle the robot and the docking station in a open area.

The docking station has one main function, to charge the batteries in between cleaning cycles. How does the robot find its way back to the station you might ask? Good question.

The station casts a light beam to a distance of about 6 feet in a “V” shape which serves as a beacon. During the cleaning cycle, if the robot vacuum senses the light beam, it steers clear of the docking station.

On the scheduled days and time, the robot vacuum cleaner powers out of the station for work. It will not return until the cleaning cycle is complete or its battery runs low. The schedule is embedded in the robots program memory. A simple button sequence allows you to set your preferred schedule.

Finding its way around: Navigation

No need to sit around while your robot vacuum performs a cleaning cycle. The robot navigates using an integrated technology providing them with 4 to 5 cleaning modes. For example the robot vacuum cleaner can use a circle or spiral shape pattern to cover the area.

Vacuum and no-vacuum zones you ask? The Roomba vacuum cleaner gets a little help from virtual walls and/or lighthouses. Virtual walls are included with some models and can be sold separately. This unit sends out an infrared light beam that serves as a gate or virtual wall. When the Robot Vacuum senses the light signal, the unit changes direction to avoid the zone.

But, robot vacuums have a great advantage over ships, they can’t sink! Unless of course you have a swimming pool in the middle of your living room!

Infinuvo CleanMate vacuums by Metapo simply rely on its navigation ability as virtual walls and lighthouses are not available.

What are its limitations?

Lets get started with what a robot vacuum will definitely not do for you. They might improve your social life in many ways. Imagine impressing your guests with your robot vacuum cleaner by scheduling a cleaning cycle while you share appetizers and drinks.

Here are some important limitations:

  • Those nifty robots do not operate well beyond a 30 to 35 degree slope, but you hopefully have level floors.
  • They are not capable of vacuuming stairways.
  • Robot vacuum cleaner light sensors will not work on dark black surfaces as the light can reflect.

Therefore, you might find missed particles on rare occasions… but don’t ground your loyal robot, it’s really doing its best!

Where can I purchase a Robot vacuum cleaner?

Here! Of course! We carry many models from the most basic to the souped-up, fully-loaded.

How about maintenance? So glad you asked! We run a robot vacuum cleaner specialty shop to perform maintenance, diagnostics, and repairs on these cool little machines.

We call ourselves RobotShop, the World’s Leading Source for Domestic and Professional Robot Technology. Look us up on the web at or If you are already aware of them and perhaps own one, but would like to know more, look up the following articles brought to you by the same author:

  • Choosing the Right Robot Vacuum Cleaner for Your Needs
  • Roomba and Infinuvo CleanMate Robot Vacuum Cleaner Setup for Optimal Performance
  • Roomba and Infinuvo CleanMate Robot Vacuum Cleaners Recommended Maintenance and basic Troubleshooting from Home Before Sending Your Fellow to the Shop
  • Roomba mania


Category: Business

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