google site kit

How to use Google site kit?


Google Site Kit is an e-commerce tool developed by Google. It is a free to use platform that allows you to create and manage your own website. The platform offers a lot of features, including SEO tools, content management system (CMS), social media integration tools and more. In this article we will go over how to install Google Site Kit on your WordPress site so that you can start using it right away!

How to install and set up Google Site Kit?

  • Download and install the plugin from
  • Set up your Google Site Kit dashboard in a matter of minutes.
  • Connect Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Webmaster Tools in one dashboard!

What are the Benefits of Using Google Site Kit on Your WordPress Website?

Google Site Kit is a free plugin that allows you to connect multiple tools in one dashboard. You can use it to view all your analytics data in one place, which helps you make better decisions on how to optimize your website.

Additionally, the interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate through. This means that even if you’re not an expert with WordPress or Google Site Kit, it shouldn’t take long before you get the hang of things!

How to Connect Google Analytics with Site Kit?

To connect Google Analytics with Site Kit:

  • Go to Settings > Google Analytics. Click on Connect Google Analytics, then select your website from the drop-down menu that appears next to it.
  • Once you’ve connected your account, go back into Site Kit and choose which analytics reports you want displayed by clicking on “View Report.”

How to Add the Search Console to Site Kit Dashboard?

To connect your website with the Search Console, you’ll need a Google site kit account. Once you have one, follow these steps:

  • Click on “Webmaster Tools” from the top menu bar.
  • From there, click on “Site Speed Tool” and then select “Sitemap Status” in the dropdown menu that appears:
  • If your sitemap is missing or has errors in it (e.g., broken links), you can adjust this setting so that Googlebot knows how to find all of those pages on your site and make sure they’re accessible by everyone who’s trying to access them through search engines like Google’s own.

How to Connect AdSense with Site Kit?

To connect your AdSense account with Site Kit, you first need to log into the dashboard of your Google AdSense account. Then, click on “Connect With Site Kit” in the left-hand menu.

You will then be prompted for your publisher ID and password (which should be the same as when you connected it). You can then enter this information by clicking on “Continue.”

If all goes well, once you’ve entered these details successfully, they’ll appear within a box at the bottom of which says “Connected!” If not:

How to connect Google Tag Manager with Site Kit?

  • Create a new tag.
  • Add the tag to your site kit dashboard.
  • Add the Site Kit tag to your website.

It is important to connect your website analytics tools in one dashboard. This is particularly useful if you are using multiple tools or plugins.

Also Read: What is White Label SEO Reseller Services? & Pricing Explained

To connect Google Site Analytics with other website analytics plugins, first enable Google Tag Manager on your site and then configure the tag manager as follows:

  • Go to Settings > Tag Manager
  • Click Add Tag Manager Item
  • Select Website Analytics (Google Analytics) from the list of available tags (or type this URL into the browser’s address bar if it’s not there yet)


Google Site Kit is a powerful tool that allows you to add additional functionality to your website without having to learn coding. There are many benefits of using the tool, including:

  • You can easily connect it with Google Analytics, AdSense and other third-party tools without having to spend hours reading documentation or understanding how each works
  • You can create custom elements such as a “contact us” button that appears when someone clicks on the site’s logo (or wherever else).


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