Dissertation Topic

How To Choose Your Dissertation Topic? 6 Easy Ways Students Must Know

During your academic life, have you ever gotten worried about something too much that your dreamy nights have turned into nightmares? Is there anything that has caused you to panic and think rigorously? If yes, that something must be about choosing a dissertation topic. There is nothing more dreadful in the academic life of a student than choosing the right topic. One mistake here can result in the waste of years of research and investigation. Therefore, it is always recommended that you should choose a good topic.

However, choosing a good dissertation topic is also not that easy. Being aware of this reality, in today’s article, we will talk about the 6 top ways using which you can choose a good topic for your dissertation. So, let’s get started with the ways straight away.

Top 6 ways to choose a good dissertation topic

A dissertation is a lengthy task that takes years of research and hard work. As the writer, you cannot make the mistake of choosing the wrong topic, as your whole education career is at stake. So, how can you make better choices when it comes to choosing a dissertation topic? A brief description of the top 6 ways in this context is as follows:

1. Find something that piques your interest

A dissertation is not a short-term project that you start in the morning and finish in the evening. It is a long-term project that takes weeks and sometimes even months. You can spend this much time only on something that piques your interest. Therefore, it is extremely important that you choose something that you find interesting. To know what topic is suitable for you, you may turn to your class notes and topics discussed in the lectures. 

2. Choose something unique

 A dissertation is mostly written at the PhD level. At this level, you cannot choose topics that are already very well-researched and have plenty of data on them. You must choose a topic that is unique and allows you to reach your own conclusions. Finding such a topic is quite hectic and time-consuming, but you can do so either by visiting research paper databases or taking a PhD dissertation help. Both options are there for you to choose a dissertation topic.

3. Review previous research work in your field

Unless you have chosen something completely unique and new, there must be plenty of data available in your field. To choose a good topic, you can go through that data and have an understanding of what is hot nowadays in your field. Looking at the previous research works does two things for you.

  • It allows you to identify the research gap present in the current knowledge.
  • Secondly, it helps you learn the hot topics in your field.

Hence, looking at the previous research works is a good activity to do. It can leave you with plenty of good topics. However, if you face research issues, you can get help from dissertation writers UK.

4. Research the selected topics

The next way to choose a good dissertation topic is to research the selected topics. From the previous step, you have got a list of the topics. It is time to research those topics and see whether or not there is enough data on the topics. You must see whether those topics are broad or narrow. The research leaves you with some extra insights into the topic that can help you decide better about your final research topic.

5. Identify your research questions

Now that you have a good understanding of the literature in your field, the next step is to identify the potential research questions. Defining the research questions is important as they help you craft a very good dissertation topic. When you have defined the research questions, you know what you need to search and look for. This enables you to craft a focused and narrow research topic, which is also a requirement. Hence, identify your potential research questions and structure your topic based on them.

6. Go to your tutor for a consultation

The tutor or research supervisor is your guiding light in this process. If you want to choose a good dissertation topic, you should go to him and consult him. Even if you have the required research topic, go to your research supervisor and ask for his views on the topic. It is necessary because your teacher knows better than you. Maybe he can explain the hidden limitations of choosing that particular topic. Hence, visit your professor always when choosing a topic.


In this post, we have unearthed the top 6 straightforward ways to choose a dissertation topic. The two most important steps are consulting the teacher and looking for your research interest. If you know what piques your interest, everything else becomes easy. All in all, follow all the ways mentioned above and choose a good topic.

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