Blockchain is on Track to Break Big Tech’s AI Hold – Krypto Scroll

A little over a decade ago, Satoshi Nakamoto released Bitcoin and the world forever changed. Since then, blockchain technology has progressed leaps and bounds, with new applications and use cases being discovered every day. One such application is in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

Currently, the big tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon hold a monopoly on AI. However, blockchain is on track to break this hold.

The meteoric rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has been one of the defining technology stories of our time. And it’s only going to get more incredible in the years ahead. But there’s a new technology that’s coming up fast on AI’s heels, and it could ultimately prove to be even more game-changing: blockchain.I.

Blockchain is a distributed database that allows different parties to share information without the need for a central authority. This makes it well-suited for AI applications that require data from multiple sources.

3 Interesting Examples Of How Blockchain Artificial Intelligence Is Used Today

Since its creation in 2008, blockchain has become one of the most talked-about technologies. And for good reason: blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the digital world. Here are three interesting examples of how blockchain being used today:

1. Blockchain is used to create a decentralized internet

A group of developers is using blockchain technology to build a decentralized internet. The decentralized internet will be censorship-resistant and secure, and it will give users more control over their data. The group is currently working on a proof-of-concept for the decentralized internet.

2. It is used to fight online piracy

Blockchain is a decentralized, tamper-proof ledger that be used to track ownership of digital content. When content registered on the BlockScroll, it can be verified as original and genuine. This makes it much harder for pirates to copy and distribute copyrighted material without permission.

3. Blockchain is used to streamline the supply chain

It is a new technology that has the potential to streamline the supply chain and distributed database that allows all parties in the supply chain to see each other’s data in real time. This transparency can help reduce delays, errors, and fraud.

What the future holds for artificial intelligence In Crypto?

The future of artificial intelligence in crypto shrouded in potential but fraught with uncertainty. However, despite the challenges, there is reason to believe that AI will play an increasingly important role in the cryptocurrency space. 

From price predictions to identifying fraud, AI can help make the crypto market more efficient and secure. With the right development and implementation, AI could very well shape the future of cryptocurrency.

When it comes to artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency, the future shrouded in potential but fraught with uncertainty. However, despite the challenges, there is reason to believe that AI will play a major role in the crypto space going forward.

How AI will shape the future of cryptocurrency

One of the biggest challenges facing AI in crypto is the lack of data. Unlike traditional markets, cryptocurrency is still relatively new and data is scarce. This makes it difficult for AI algorithms to learn and make accurate predictions.

Despite these challenges, there are several reasons to be optimistic about the future of AI in crypto. First, as more data becomes available, AI will become better equipped to handle volatility and make accurate predictions.

Artificial Intelligence Pros: 

1. AI can help identify patterns in data that would otherwise be undetectable.

2. AI can help automate and speed up the process of data analysis.

3. AI can help improve the accuracy of predictions made about future price movements.

4. AI can help to identify new opportunities for investment.

5. AI can help to reduce the risk of making bad investment decisions.

Artificial Intelligence Cons:

1. The lack of data in the crypto market makes it difficult for AI to learn and make accurate predictions.

2. The volatile nature of the crypto market means that AI systems may not be able to adapt quickly enough to changing conditions.

3. The complicated structure of the crypto market may make it difficult for AI to understand and make decisions about investments.

4. The decentralised nature of the crypto market means that there is no central authority that AI systems can rely on for information about prices and trends.


AI in crypto is still in its early developmental stages and is facing some big challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of data. Unlike traditional markets, the crypto market is relatively new and there is not a lot of historical data to train AI models on.

 Another challenge facing AI in crypto is the volatility of the market. The prices of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate rapidly, making it difficult to predict what will happen in the future. Another challenge is the volatile nature of the market. While the full extent of AI’s impact on crypto is yet to be seen, its potential is undeniable.

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