Habit-Tracking App

11 Best Habit-Tracking Apps You Need in 2023

Every day our lives are governed by habits. These habits consist of little routines and little ways of doing things. The surprising thing is that many people do not realize what their habits are.

Some habit-tracking apps, such as smoking, can even have harmful effects on your health. Meanwhile, other habits like procrastination can negatively impact your work and career.

That’s why it’s important to take back control of your life. This can be hard to do because most habits are so ingrained in people’s lives that they do it without thinking.

Fortunately, there are plenty of habit-tracking apps designed to help you set goals, help you track your habits, and tackle your bad habits for free.

The best habit-tracking app or website can help you on your way to sticking to your goals. It can also help you visualize your progress and realize how much you’ve achieved.

Whether you want to use an app that has a lot of features, or you prefer a productive habit tracker with a simple interface, you’ll find it here.

A must-try habit-tracking app

Here is a list of the 11 best habit trackers that you can use.

1. Momentum Habit Tracker

This app has a lot of useful features that make it great for people who want to track their habits and routines.

One of the most interesting features is that with Momentum you can import your data into an Excel document, allowing you to view your progress across platforms. In addition, you can set weekly goals and take notes, allowing you to easily take control of your habits.

But unlike many of the apps on this list, Momentum is optimized exclusively for Apple devices, and as such, you won’t find it on Android, which is unfortunate. However, the benefit of this exclusivity is that your profile on Momentum can be easily integrated with iCloud.

2. Journey

Journy feels like a game where you fight with yourself. The endeavor is to get a long streak for the propensity you are managing by covering your objectives. Extended should be as much as possible. It requires a few months to totally make another day-to-day practice, surrender doesn’t as well – it requires venture and on the off chance that you are consistent it will work; whether or not it takes two or three undertakings.

There are various things that you could have to move along. Journy can be used as a coordinator in building propensities like taking your pills reliably, working out, or keeping to an eating routine. It can moreover be used as an accomplice for people encountering memory issues. Concerning your obscenities, Journy can be a significant objective following instrument, or a savvy scratch cushion, to help you while getting free from vices like nail-biting, drinking alcohol, and, shockingly, further fostering your dating skills.

Journey App Download Links:

3. Productive Habit Tracker

Wondering how to track a habit? This habit-tracking app is for you. Productive’s straightforward yet thoughtfully designed interface makes it easy to track your habits. It offers an intuitive design so you can start planning in seconds.

Although its design looks very simple, this app is packed with powerful features. This app will also help you track your achievements. This way you will be able to measure your progress and improvement. This will help you stay motivated.

4. StickK

StickK was developed by behavioral economists from the prestigious Yale University. When you sign up, you create a commitment agreement with yourself and the app to achieve your goals, you can even bet money on yourself.

For added motivation, you can assign a friend or family member to review your data to make sure you’re on track to reach your goals.

5. Habitshare

Habitshare is the perfect combination of a social network and an effective tool for tracking habits. Therefore, it allows you to cultivate habits with friends. This makes it stand out as one of the best habit-tracking apps out there.

The social options on this platform are quite unusual and unlike others with social networking options, this app has messaging options that allow you to talk and interact with people you know. This way you can motivate your friends or vice versa. This turns your individual goals into a meaningful team effort. Users also have the option to disable the social aspect of this habit-tracking app if they want to be more private.

6. Streaks

This Apple design award winner is built to encourage you to maintain a 12-day streak of good habits because it’s a great way to stay motivated.

The interface is extremely customizable so you can customize it according to your taste. What’s more, it can be easily integrated with the Health app, one of the most popular apps on IOS. When you use them together, it’s easy to develop healthy habits. If you fall behind, the app will send you a reminder and keep you on target.

7. Habit List

The habit list is about developing and maintaining a series of beneficial habits.

This productive habit tracker is great for tracking your habits over a long period of time and allows you to easily understand your progress in a way that is easy to read and understand.

Suppose you have a complicated schedule or want to complete specific tasks on specific days. In that case, you can easily set up a calendar of activities you want to complete and view them accordingly.

8. Balanced

Balanced is designed to help you track and measure your sleep patterns, exercise, and time you spend sitting, encouraging you to develop healthier habits.

Unlike many habit-tracking apps, Balanced is completely focused on healthy habits. It will help you stay focused on only three activities at once so you won’t get overwhelmed.

9. Simple Habit Tracker

Don’t let its name fool you, the simple habit tracker is one of the most interesting habit trackers out there and it’s packed with interesting features.

If you’re looking for inspiration, the app comes with over 200 pre-designed habits to get you started. One of the most attractive things about this app is its beautifully designed and engaging interface.

10. Habitbull

Habit-bull is one of the most feature-rich habit-tracking apps out there, and its detailed logging system means you’ll be able to get detailed information about your progress.

If you’re looking to improve your fitness, Habitbull can be integrated with google fit.

If you’re worried about losing data, don’t worry, they’re all backed up to the cloud, meaning you’ll never have to worry about losing track of your data again.

But for anyone looking for a simpler habit tracker, this best habit tracker might be complicated.

11. Habitica

Habitica is extremely creative in its approach to tracking and maintaining good habits. Inspired by RPG video games, each task you complete will level up your customized avatar, giving you extra motivation to stay motivated.

A unique video game-inspired design makes tracking your habits and goals fun.

Last Words

Now that you know the best habit-tracking apps for tracking habits, you can finally be more productive. But keep in mind that maintaining good habits requires more than just relying on the best habit tracker. You also need to cultivate the right mindset to maximize results.

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